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Adobe Photoshop 'White Balance' Fix



Even if you push the white balance temperature value to the minimum value (2000) in Photoshop it's not enough to reach a usable value for the channel swap, but this is possible and here's how...


The Fix

To fix this issue follow these steps:

  • Drag any color infrared .DNG RAW file* in to 'DNG Profile Editor' (you can download it for free here

  • Click on the 'Color Matrices' tab at the top right menu.

  • Move the 'Temperature' slider all the way to the left (-100)

* NOTEIf you don't have a DNG RAW file you can create one using Adobe's free 'DNG Converter'.


  • Click on the 'Options' tab, at the top right.

  • Enter a name in the 'Profile Name' dialog box.

  • Click on the 'File' menu and then 'Export' your newly created profile.



This might export in the correct file structure by default. However, if it does not, save it anywhere and then move it into the 'Resources' folder under the Adobe Photoshop root directory, which in my case was in: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015

  • Open a color infrared RAW file (it does not have to be a .DNG) into Photohop

  • Click on the 'Profile' drop-down tab, at the top right of the main menu.

  • Click 'Browse'


  • Expand the 'Profiles' tab

  • The profile that you created should be listed here, so click that

  • Click the 'Close' button at the top right


  • Click the 'White Balance Tool' on the top left menu.

  • Select an area that has a neutral tone (not sky or foliage), these bricks work fairly well


Once you have these colours you can open your image in Photoshop and will be able to swap the red & blue channels around to get colors like this. For more information about this process click the 'Color' tab at the top of this guide.

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