
Here are eleven interesting facts that I have learned about squirrels since I have been following them...​
1. Whiskers
Did you know that squirrels have extra sensors (vibrissae) on their arms, legs, eyes and chest, as well as their nose?

Just like the ones on their nose, these extra long hairs are for sensing proximity to things that they cannot see (or see well). Their vision has a large radius for spotting predators, but they have a blind spot behind and underneath their skull (If a squirrel turns their back on you they are trusting you to look out for predators in the other direction). In the case of Scandinavian squirrels, the whiskers on their face seem to be dark, whereas the ones on their arms and chest seem to be light in colour. This could be related to the fur colour they are close to, but some squirrels further south have light whiskers on the face.

2. Thumbs
Did you know that squirrels have adorable little thumbs?
They sometimes have little nails on them, but not claws. Set quite far back on their arm, they're less likely to touch messy surfaces when climbing or running around and thus they stay cleaner for holding and manipulating food. After eating they will vigorously lick their hands, making especially sure to have clean thumbs.

3. Ankles
Did you know that squirrels can rotate their back feet 180 degrees due to having double joined ankles.
They are one of a few animals that can do this, which enables them to run down trees quickly and better escape from predators. In addition to this, their tail allows them to shift their centre of balance quickly, enabling them to balance, jump and cling to tree trunks much better.

4. Tail
Did you know that the cross-section of a red squirrel's tail can show multiple tones & colours.
This often doesn't show up as you only see the outer colour. These colours also change a lot between the summer / winter coats, but also the individuals vary quite a bit too. Although they're not all this bold and varied, plus they do change in the summer, they all end with the squirrel's main colour and have darker colours just underneath. Thus, you will never see a red squirrel with a bright halo like the Eastern Greys. Since red squirrels can be quite grey in the winter, this can be a reliable way to identify grey squirrels in locations that have both (like the UK & Italy) if you're struggling to identify them. Of course, red squirrels will also have tufted ears in the winter, so this shouldn't be a problem.​​

5. Fur
Did you know that red squirrel's coat changes colour in the winter?
It can be quite difficult to recognize your squirrels between winter to summer due to how much their coat changes. Their winter colours can vary, but they often go from a thick grey in the spring to a shorter red in the summer (with no tufted ears). The thickness of the tail fur will also change. The Winter fur will start to grow back around September. These changes are triggered by daylight hours rather than temperature (due to reliability). The thicker Winter fur is not only brighter, but it also scatters light more, making it more adaptable to various surrounding colours (patchy snow) and changeable lighting for camouflage. The squirrel's base colour comes from their food and dwellings. Pine trees in this locations are bright red at the top (where their nests tend to be), whereas at high altitudes Pine trees are darker and so follows the squirrels coat colour.​​

6. Body Fat
Did you know that the Eurasian Red, or Sciurus Vulgaris (meaning "Common Shadow-Tail") cannot retain body fat?
Unlike other tree squirrels they cannot get fat for winter. This is why they grow a thick coat instead. If you see a rather round adult red squirrel it will likely be a pregnant female (like the one above).

7. Young
Did you know that squirrels are pretty much independent at only 8 weeks old?
These ridiculously adorable creatures are out of the nest and highly capable ath this point. Sadly their mortality rate is around 70% for their first year. They might look rather clueless, but the ones that remain will be stealthy little ninja survivors. No matter what time of the year they are born (can be any time), they will be complete with a winter coat, just in case. They will have their tufted ears and extra fluff, even if the adults have lost all of theirs already. ​Although they will also lose it pretty quick too. ​
Mammal's normal litter size range is between half and the total number of nipples they have. Thus, 3-6 and 4 perhaps being the most common number of kits (babies) for squirrels. They can have two, or in rare cases even three litters per year (if there is an abundance of food). They will stay in the drey (nest) for about 8 weeks. Red squirrels are so territorial that the male and females won't nest together unless it's extremely cold. Only the mother will bring up the young, and when they are out of the nest they will soon be on their own and treated as competition for food sources by the adults.

8. Bite
If you're wondering how a squirrel can break open a walnut or hazelnut so quickly, their jaw muscles are able to concentrate about 48 megapascals (7000 psi) of pressure on to their front teeth. Although localized, that's a harder bite pressure than a Great White Shark or a Crocodile. Needless to say, they can cause a lot of damage if they're scared, so treat them a healthy amount of respect if getting close. They have four back teeth on each side, top and bottom, totalling twenty including their four front ones. Like Beavers, those orange tinted front teeth are infused with iron for extra strength. These never stop growing, so they need to gnaw things often in order to keep them in check.​​